Saturday, October 27, 2012

Cleaning Up a Children's Park in Shiogama

Today, half the group spent the day cleaning a playground in the middle of a few apartment complexes where the church does a children's ministry every Tuesday afternoon. The playground and surrounding area had much garbage and overgrown weeds and grass in it, so we spent the day digging up weeds, picking up trash, and "weed-wacking."
Becca digging up weeds.

Maddie and Cierra gathering up weeds around the playground equipment.

Working with some local residents to clean out a sports field.

MacKenzie on the "weed-wacker."

The group after finishing...(Sorry it is kind of dark!)

Kai had purchased some toys for today so when we cleaned we could give them to local kids, or we could play with them. Four little girls came out and we gave them a bubble gun to play with. After receiving the toy, the girls played with it for a few minutes and then came over to us and helped us with the cleanup. They helped us pick up weeds and put them in the trash and then recruited a few more of their friends to help. Through a translator we could communicate with them, and ask them questions. These are some of the kids that attend the church's programs on Tuesdays, so it was cool to be able to strengthen the relationships with them. Here are some pictures of the girls with Emily: 

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures and it seems that you've enjoyed yourself while cleaning the children park. It is a good step and I appreciate it.

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